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Private Link Stash.

UPDATING is a lightweight url stasher, allowing you to store your links privately and access them across devices.

Key points
  • A double key system is used, whereby your links are encrypted locally without knowledge of the server
  • Only encrypted versions of your private links are ever sent to the server
  • Optimised interface for speed of access on handheld devices including shortcodes, keycommands on desktops
  • Leverages SHA256 encryption, HTTPS protocol
  • Site is free for private individual use
  • Monetisation is through affiliate linking, no other fees required

  • What is a scramble key?
    This is terminology we use to describe your 'second' password. This is used to generate an encrypt/decrypt key locally which never gets sent to the server. In other words you will have a login to the site as with any other site, however your links are additionally secured by being encrypted/decrypted offline with this scramble key known only to you.
  • How secure is my scramble key & passphrase?
    Not very secure against someone with low level access to your machine browser. You can reduce some of these risks by logging out your session after using it (or simply closing the browser tab if you have not selected the 'remember' scramble key option). With this in mind it is very important to set something unique that you do not use elsewhere in case you ever need or want to change it.
  • What if I lose my site password?
    You can simply reset it by email.
  • What if I lose my scramble key?
    A bit like a private key of a cryptocurrency wallet, you would lose ability to view your unencrypted links and no one can help you. However, we include a text backup feature so you can export and restore links and keep an offline copy. Always make your own backup, as long as you backup, setting a new scramble key and reloading from backup will take just a few seconds in the interface.
  • What's special about the interface?
    It has a minimalist design, yet with the core features such as link ordering and tagging. A lot of focus has been on accessibility, as devices are getting bigger every year it offers the ability to launch links via unique shortcut codes and key commands.
  • So,.. Why?
    Your links are important, and having them on any device, any browser, in a reasonably secure format is just convenient. Also you can sign up with any old spam email and go from there if it works for you.
  • Do you even use it yourselves?
  • Any useful features?
    A few. The shortcuts on mobiles and keyboard commands being one. Another is if you click in the top left it immediately hides your links until you reenter your scramble key.
  • Do you guarantee my links are uncrackable?
    No. Cryptography over the internet is inherently insecure, and always open to new vulnerabilities. However, there is a balance between convenience and security, where we err on the side of security. For instance you will be using two passwords: a site login and scramble key, so even if your email account becomes compromised, an attacker would not be able to decrypt your links without knowledge of your scramble key. For this reason if you lose your own key even support will be unable to decrypt your links.
  • What is Alpha?
    Lynx is currently in its second alpha. It is fully functional but new features may require database changes. Once you have set up some links simply click the Backup+Restore button and the integrated help will guide you how to backup. You can backup your entire account to text in under 10 seconds and optionally encrypt it in a message to yourself.
  • What does it cost?
    Hopefully free for ever, as long as we can pay for the servers through affiliate programs. Support us by using the affiliate links such as the Amazon© and eBay© icons when you see them.

  1. allows you to create and decipher encrypted messages
  2. To decipher a message paste the text you have been sent in Decrypt In, and in the separate box enter the decryption key (passKey)
  3. The output will appear in the Decrypt Out box
  4. Logging in lets you encrypt your own messages for free
(For free Encryption please log in)


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